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Pneumatic tool factory Wang Rufang: product quality is the lifeline of an enterprise

Date:2015/8/20 15:38:34 Visits:

The 17th session of China international hardware fair in Shanghai new international expo center grand opening. The exhibition by the Chinese wujinjiaodian chemical business association, China building decoration association, China minmetals chemical import and export chamber of commerce, China electrical equipment industry association branch of electric tools. "A handful" website as one of the main media reports of the expo, for a three-day hardware fair all-the-way tracking report.

Shanghai pudong pneumatic tool factory sales of pneumatic tools factory director Wang Rufang c has more than 20 years production history of Shanghai's pudong pneumatic tool factory, in the fierce market competition, in order to "quality first, customer supreme" as the motto, in the pneumatic tool industry has been developing steadily. The author interviewed on the 17th session of China international hardware fair in Shanghai in the pudong new area sales director ms Wang Rufang pneumatic tool factory.

The director's opinion, the king, although the price of market competition is very important, however, the most important is the quality. Especially as a business seller, "quality is the lifeline of an enterprise" on this point.

The factory director wang believes that the world's lowest business competition is price war. If business between each other to hold down prices to compete, and competition of the enterprise may not operate at a loss, had to cut corners, tax evasion and other practices to fill, so that enterprises and it is a vicious competition between enterprises, for the healthy development of the market will have a significant impact.

Therefore, factory director wang's statement, a business, must be the first thing to do product quality well. If the quality well, later do better sales, not only set up good reputation, and customer will be more and more later.